Roswell Office

The Roswell Breastfeeding Center is conveniently located across from WellStar North Fulton Hospital, inside the Providence Women’s Health office. Our Licensed Lactation Consultants specialize in prenatal breastfeeding education and breast pumps. 

Lactation Consultation - Roswell
You are just a few clicks away from getting expert lactation care at the Marietta office. Please use this form to select your preferred date/time, provide your insurance information, and put a credit/debit card on file. Then, our team will confirm your insurance eligibility and advise you by email of any out-of-pocket costs. When you come for your appointment, please bring your baby, your breast pump, and all your questions!

Prenatal Consultation - Roswell
Should I see a lactation consultant before my baby is born? YES! We know from research that parents who receive comprehensive breastfeeding support prenatally are much more likely to breastfeed successfully. In fact, addressing personal concerns, including any perceived or actual potential barriers to nursing successfully ahead of a baby’s arrival can make the difference. The best support is early, preventive, and proactive. Get your questions answered early to avoid problems later.