Breast Pumping Support Services

Trouble with your wearable? Exclusive pumping and wanting to make it better? We can make breast pumping not suck! Read on to see how we can help.

Flange Fitting - If you're having pain, low milk output, or other problems with your breast pump, you are not alone. The type and size of pump flange you use has a huge impact on how comfortable, effective, and efficient pumping is and 40% of pumping parents are using an ill-fitting flange. Even if you've been sized before, your nipples can change over time and flange sizing may differ among different styles of pumps, including wearables. Our IBCLCs are experts in all things breast pumps and flanges. A professional flange fitting visit will help you reduce problems and maximize the benefit of your pumping experience. At your visit your provider will perform a breast exam, take a series of measurements, and help you pump during the visit to evaluate the comfort and effectiveness of different types and sizes of flanges. Flange Fitting visits are 30 minute appointments offered in our offices. 

A Pump for Every Person - If you need help selecting which pump you should purchase or rent, you should schedule one of our A Pump for Every Person visits. During this visit your provider will gather information about your medical history and your breastfeeding goals and provide recommendations about which pumps would be best suited for you. Make sure you schedule an in-person visit if you want to see exactly how each pump works. Patients will not use the pumps to express milk during these visits so if you have already had your baby and want to try out a breast pump you should schedule a Finding Your Flow visit, instead. A Pump for Every Person visits are 15 minute appointments and are offered virtually and in our offices. Your insurance will be billed for this visit but there is no out of pocket cost for patients. 

Finding Your Flow - Although breast pumping certainly isn’t rocket science, it can come with a little learning curve. We work with thousands of families using dozens of different pumps every year, and we are happy to share our experience with you. At a Finding Your Flow visit we will gather information about your needs and goals and then you will pump during the visit so we can help you optimize your pumping experience. We can teach you how to adjust settings to improve comfort or milk output, offer product recommendations, and in some cases even offer the opportunity to try out other pumps. Finding Your Flow visits are 30 minute appointments offered in our offices. This visit is for you if:

  • You want to have your breast pump tested

  • You’re getting ready to go back to work and need a pumping plan

  • You already have a pump but don’t know how to use it

  • You are considering purchasing a second pump

  • Your pump hurts you and you’ve already been sized for flanges

  • You’re not getting out enough milk when you pump

Virtual Pumping Support - A Virtual Pumping Support visit is a private visit with an IBCLC to help you learn how to pump comfortably and effectively. This visit is a great opportunity to learn how to assemble your breast pump correctly, find strategies for making pumping more manageable, assess your current pumping routine, or troubleshoot common problems with breast pumps and pump parts. Our providers have extensive knowledge about flange sizing and can provide general recommendations but this visit does not include a professional flange fitting. Virtual Pumping Support visits are 30 minute virtual appointments. These visits cost $50 and are not billable to insurance.